Monday, January 04, 2016

Ladies and gentlemen... and those who aren't sure?

"Gender" is very much a word of the moment, it seems.  An MP is calling for references to gender to be removed from passports and driving licences, and there is a suggestion that anyone should be able to officially change their gender by simply filling in a form - a bit like changing your name by deed-poll.  If I understand it correctly (and maybe I don't) a distinction is being made between sex and gender. Your sex depends upon what sticky-out or dangly bits you have, whereas your gender is more a psychological issue - it's how you feel.  And the problem arises where these two are not the same.  I don't think this is a new phenomenon (as a child, I had a mate who much preferred playing with dolls and dressing up) but recently in the modern spirit of minority rights it seems we must make special arrangements for those who feel their physical attributes do not accurately reflect who they feel they are.  Not sure, mind you, whether this is a good thing - it might make those who are mildly confused about their identity even more confused and unsettled?

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